The Internal Struggle
As we grow in Grace, the Holy Spirit helps us purge our worldly Egoistic desires until our relationship with God grows to the point where we finally hear Him and understand.
As we grow in Grace, the Holy Spirit helps us purge our worldly Egoistic desires until our relationship with God grows to the point where we finally hear Him and understand.
In a revelation to Oliver Cowdery, the Lord told him, through the seer stone, to use his "sprout" to translate. God was speaking of Oliver's divining rod.
The history of the Latter Day Saints, a collective of restorational Christian denominations, begins with the shared history found within the Book of Avahr.
To create a sacred space for home worship, meditation, and other spiritual needs, our second temple is our home temple. For this, members and ministers may have a temple altar in their homes.
If you’ve been mediating for a while now, but have not found your center or learned to ground your energy, this post is for you.
Anyone that has felt true love’s embrace cannot deny that "magic," in some form or another, exists. The questions shouldn’t be, “does it,” but rather how can one use or channel it. This is where we shall start.
When teaching the people he had gathered in the Americas, Jesus did away with the sacrificing of animals. He asked for something more personal when he told them, “ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit.”
There are many that feel their denomination is the "one true church." This leads individuals to ask, what makes one a "true Christian?" Is it the church they attend? Is it the books they read? Is it the things they do or do not do?
A prayer is a plea to God. The True Prayer is written in our hearts. When our hearts are pierced, we plea to God and he restores us.
Whether one is a trinitarian or polytheistic, God is explained to us through the idea of multiple deity.
We were with God as spirit children of our Heavenly Parents before we were born. We were born to help one another to come unto Christ that we may return home to that God who created us.
The following is a revelation on ordaining disciples to the ministry, and further instructions on the Sacrament of holy Communion, received in Ohio by David on the morning of November 25, 2015.