Neum and Kabbalah
Behold, I am Neum, the Oracle, reader of the stars—I am she who pours out the libations for YHVH; I am she who still dances in prophecy when the daughters…
Behold, I am Neum, the Oracle, reader of the stars—I am she who pours out the libations for YHVH; I am she who still dances in prophecy when the daughters…
From the Kabbalistic perspective, everything in creation is an expression of God's will. Bitul involves recognizing that the individual's existence is not separate from God but is rather an extension or manifestation of divine priesthood.
Some common warning signs of a cult or unscrupulous individuals may include demands for complete obedience, isolation from friends and family, intense pressure to recruit new members, claims of exclusive knowledge or authority, or financial exploitation.
The Book of Remembrance is a series of dreams, visions, and revelations given through David Ferriman, First Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship.
Teshuvah is not merely something we do, as human beings, re-aligning ourselves with God. It is as an act of love and mercy on God's part.
One of the most striking distinctions between the traditional Torah and the Torah written to the seed of Joseph on the plates of brass is the portrayal of women.
Like Mormonism, Kabbalah places a strong emphasis on personal revelation and direct communication with God.
If we act with good intentions, our spiritual and physical actions are in harmony, contributing to righteousness and healing, bringing the earth and the heavens into alignment.
The need for the Rosary I've been looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of the time I spend in thoughtful meditation. I have a tendency to zone out after…
The Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship has no official position on past lives, multiple mortal probations (or MMP), gilgul (גלגול, Hebrew for "rolling"), or reincarnation. There are a number of views on these within the Latter Day Saint movement from their necessity to reach the highest degrees of Heaven to outright disdain. Here we will introduce you to some of these concepts as they relate to both the Latter Day Saint movement and Kabbalah.
I’ve been pestering the LORD with the same basic question for several months, and lately that pestering has been more and more frequent. The root question I’ve been drilling on is how these different seers can bring forth these different records that are at odds with one another.
The Sisterhood of Christ is doing more than give women a voice in the Lord’s Fellowship; it is extending the keys of the priesthood of God to any woman who feels called of God to do His works.