Neum and Kabbalah
Behold, I am Neum, the Oracle, reader of the stars—I am she who pours out the libations for YHVH; I am she who still dances in prophecy when the daughters…
Behold, I am Neum, the Oracle, reader of the stars—I am she who pours out the libations for YHVH; I am she who still dances in prophecy when the daughters…
Like Mormonism, Kabbalah places a strong emphasis on personal revelation and direct communication with God.
The Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship has no official position on past lives, multiple mortal probations (or MMP), gilgul (גלגול, Hebrew for "rolling"), or reincarnation. There are a number of views on these within the Latter Day Saint movement from their necessity to reach the highest degrees of Heaven to outright disdain. Here we will introduce you to some of these concepts as they relate to both the Latter Day Saint movement and Kabbalah.
As we meet together as Saints, some have asked the proper way to organize services. The correct answer of course is, by the Spirit. That said, the Lord has given us instructions on this topic through Raphael, as he spoke to Adam and Eve. These instructions should be used in our home temples, in our Synagogues, Tabernacles, and Temples for personal and group worship.
While Nephi warned us against stagnation, he also taught the Kabbalistic idea of continuing ever forward in God.
The hamsa (Hebrew: חמסה) is a amulet in the shape of a palm popular throughout the Middle East and North Africa. In Arabic it is called khamsah (خمسة), meaning "five" or "the five fingers of the hand."
If the Exodus story didn’t happen, what is the point of Israel being slaves in Egypt, wondering in the desert, and committing genocide to gain the promised land?
The early Christians were different than what people see Christians as today. They were pacifists, they enjoyed communal living, and their focus was on love. One might say they embodied the spirit of ubuntu.
Kaf Hei Tav is the eighth name of God. It is a meditation and mantra for defusing negative energy and stress. On a personal level this can be used for cleaning, or renewal. When used as a Priesthood ordnance, it may be used for comfort, cleansing and exorcisms. It draws on the purifying Light of Christ to cleans, restore, and refresh.
There are twenty-two letters in the Hebrew Aleph-bet (alphabet). This brief overview will define three of them, Mem, Nun, and Samekh, going over the basics of their mystical interpretations. In Mormon Kabbalah, these letters are used for spiritual communication in ways that do not require one to be fluent in the language. These letters help us gain a direct spiritual communication going beyond mere words. Meditation with the letters is a common practice in Kabbalah to help facilitate spiritual growth. (more…)
This brief overview will define three of them, Yod, Kaf, and Lamed, going over the basics of their mystical interpretations.
Is Lishma considered the corrected version of Lo Lishma? It seems obvious to me that it is, but I've been fooled by the obvious before.