Gematria is the practice of deriving deeper insights and meanings from the Torah by combining the numerical values of Hebrew.
Gematria is the practice of deriving deeper insights and meanings from the Torah by combining the numerical values of Hebrew.
Alef-Tav together is like what the Greek world would think of as Alpha and Omega. So, Alef-Tav is another name for the Great YHVH.
Alef-Tav together is like what the Greek world would think of as Alpha and Omega. So, Alef-Tav is another name for the Great YHVH.
There are twenty-two letters in the Hebrew Aleph-bet (alphabet). This brief overview will define three of them, Mem, Nun, and Samekh, going over the basics of their mystical interpretations. In Mormon Kabbalah, these letters are used for spiritual communication in ways that do not require one to be fluent in the language. These letters help us gain a direct spiritual communication going beyond mere words. Meditation with the letters is a common practice in Kabbalah to help facilitate spiritual growth. (more…)
This brief overview will define three of them, Yod, Kaf, and Lamed, going over the basics of their mystical interpretations.
There are twenty-two letters in the Hebrew Aleph-bet (alphabet). This brief overview will define three of them, Zayin, Chet, and Tet, going over the basics of their mystical interpretations. In Mormon Kabbalah, these letters are used for spiritual communication in ways that do not require one to be fluent in the language. These letters help us gain a direct spiritual communication going beyond mere words.
In this brief overview will define Dalet, Hei, and Vav and go over the basics of their mystical interpretations.
There are twenty-two letters in the Hebrew Aleph-bet (alphabet). This brief overview will define three of them, Aleph, Bet and Gimel, and go over the basics of their mystical interpretations.