Neum and Kabbalah
Behold, I am Neum, the Oracle, reader of the stars—I am she who pours out the libations for YHVH; I am she who still dances in prophecy when the daughters…
Behold, I am Neum, the Oracle, reader of the stars—I am she who pours out the libations for YHVH; I am she who still dances in prophecy when the daughters…
We still seek the signs of His second coming, as the Spirit tells us that Jesus will return again. One of the signs we see today of His return is climate change.
The Fellowship of Christ is a community of Christians worshipping God, loving all, and fostering a welcoming, safe space where all of God’s children can grow a personal relationship with their Creator.
Aleph Kaf Alaph is know as the root of the soul. It is used to help one bring order to their life by helping them connect to their soul, the Born Again new life created the moment one's heart is pierced.
How can we rely fully on grace if we do good works? How can we do good works if we rely on grace? And most importantly, if the path is that narrow, how can we know if we are truly saved?
The 10 Words are known in English as the Ten Commandments. Jesus didn’t come to end the Law but to fulfill it. He did so not only on the Cross but also in his life’s work and his teachings.
Kabbalist teacher Rav Akiva taught that loving others as we love ourselves is the purpose of all spiritual teachings and the very heart of our spiritual work.
Ayin Lamed Mem is a meditation to help us remove negative emotions or thoughts. Negative emotions feed Ego, and we think selfishly as fear and panic rule us. Ayin Lamed Mem reminds us that God's divine providence is by our side.
This first Name of God can be used as a teshuvah meditation. It is used in this manner to look into and correct the past.
What does it mean to have a temple in our homes? This refers to creating a safe space where one my do or prepare to do the Lord's works.
If the broken heart is one being open to both receiving and pouring out God’s Love, the true prayer now inscribed upon it, what then is the “contrite spirit?”