Why the Book of Mormon is True
All holy books have truth and wisdom in them; yet we do not accept all holy books as scripture the way we do the Bible and Book of Mormon.
All holy books have truth and wisdom in them; yet we do not accept all holy books as scripture the way we do the Bible and Book of Mormon.
The Sages teach us in this parasha story which refers to events that transpired with Jacob: in Ecclesiastes there is a verse that talks about the sun rising and setting.
Kabbalist teacher Rav Akiva taught that loving others as we love ourselves is the purpose of all spiritual teachings and the very heart of our spiritual work.
Pardes is like climbing Jacob's ladder. An extended meaning never contradicts the base meaning, but rather expand our understanding.
As we grow in Grace, the Holy Spirit helps us purge our worldly Egoistic desires until our relationship with God grows to the point where we finally hear Him and understand.
We were with God as spirit children of our Heavenly Parents before we were born. We were born to help one another to come unto Christ that we may return home to that God who created us.