Kabbalah and the Spiritual Path
Like Mormonism, Kabbalah places a strong emphasis on personal revelation and direct communication with God.
Like Mormonism, Kabbalah places a strong emphasis on personal revelation and direct communication with God.
To understand God's view of fornication, we must understand the relationship between God and the Church. In the Scriptures, God is the Groom. The Church (all of us) is the Bride.
Kabbalist teacher Rav Akiva taught that loving others as we love ourselves is the purpose of all spiritual teachings and the very heart of our spiritual work.
As we grow to love God more, we learn to love our neighbors as ourselves to greater degrees. What is this Egoism we're trying to shake off?
Ayin Lamed Mem is a meditation to help us remove negative emotions or thoughts. Negative emotions feed Ego, and we think selfishly as fear and panic rule us. Ayin Lamed Mem reminds us that God's divine providence is by our side.
Every being on the planet, human, animal and plant. Respect life as it comes from the same divine Source as yourself.
We are currently in the "Flesh" state. As such, we are fallen; slaves to Ego. Our perfect souls, and we know they are perfect because we are the children of God, were corrupted by mortality.
This is an interesting concept, love thy neighbor as thyself. Sure, it’s not unfamiliar to Jews, Christians, or really any religion. This statement reflects the point of all world religions.
As we grow in Grace, the Holy Spirit helps us purge our worldly Egoistic desires until our relationship with God grows to the point where we finally hear Him and understand.
Even Jesus Christ couldn’t avoid the appearance of evil. Sure, his accusers could find no fault with him, but they still saw him as evil.
When teaching the people he had gathered in the Americas, Jesus did away with the sacrificing of animals. He asked for something more personal when he told them, “ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit.”