Kaf Hei Tav

“O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker.” -Psalms 95:6

Kaf Hei Tav (Hebrew is read backwards) is the eighth name of God in the 72 Kabbalistic names of God. It is a meditation and mantra for defusing negative energy and stress. On a personal level this may be used for cleaning or renewal. When used as a Priesthood ordnance, it may be used for comfort, cleansing and exorcisms. It draws on the purifying Light of Christ to cleans, restore, and refresh.


Kaf (or khaf, or kaif, or kaph) is the eleventh letter of the Hebrew Alphabet.  It signifies the number 20, or 500 when in its final form. Khaf literally means “monkey.” It is like a cupped outstretched palm, ready to receive, like the right hand portion of the Second Token of the Lesser Priesthood, and the left hand portion of the First Token of the Higher Priesthood mudras. Kaf represents form, a form that contains the life and energy of the person using it. Being a chalice sign, it also represents Jesus Christ and the element of water.

The letter of formation, bending the straight line into a curved shape, symbolizes the crown of the Torah which is Keter כתר.  Khaf teaches us to shape ourselves, we are liquid bending the ego to the shape our of character, Christ. Kaf (representing Christ) is what gives us form. As we bend and govern our tendencies, we shape our character. We can only do this by rejecting Ego for humility. Like a potter shaping clay, Kaf recreates us in God’s image. All possibilities of containing, building, and the formation all existence are represented. Remember, Christ is the creator of worlds. We recreate ourselves through his mercy, if not then the fire of the Holy Spirit would burn us to cinder. Thus Kaf changes us by reminding us of who we really are.


Hei (or He) is the fifth letter in the Hebrew Alphabet. It signifies the number 5, or 5,000 when referring to years. Representing divine revelation, it is said the world was created with the utterance of Hei. It represents the gift of life, both created and spiritual life. In Kabbalah, it is the symbol of feminine divinity, gentility, and specificity. In Judaism, many Jews use Hei as a way of saying “God” without actually saying the name of God. It is an abbreviation of the term “Hashem,” which means “The Name.” Through Hei we gain the freedom of choice. We have walked through the doorway and climbed the stairway of Delet. We now gain an audience with God. No longer trapped by sin, we have regained our free agency.


Tav (or Taw, or Taf) is the twenty second and final letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It signifies 400. Tav is the last letter of emet אֱמֶת, Hebrew for “truth.” The other letters of the word, Aleph, and Memis are the first and middle letter. Thus truth is all encompassing, “from aleph to tav” or “from beginning to end.” As the symbol of truth, perfection, and completion, it is a mark, a sign, an omen, or a seal. It represents Tikkun Olam, the restoration of all things or repair of the world on a grand level. More personally, it is teshuvah; a return to the essence and purpose of one’s life. In Christ it represents completion, growth in Grace. We must reach the end of the old before beginning again, or being born again, with the Oneness of Aleph, this is the cycle of teshuvah. Tav is the final letter of בראשית Beresheet, “In the Beginning”, the first word of the Torah. This shows us that God had the end planned from the beginning. The Creation set in motion all of existence that all may reach their final state of perfection, their true selves. This is after all the plan, to reach the fulfillment of creation. Without the beginning, Aleph, we have met מֶת, Hebrew for “dead.”

Mantras, Mandalas, & Mudras


The mantra here is “Kaf Hei Tav .” This should be said or thought on a inhale of breath, and again on an exhale. One may also add a phrase or short passage of scripture. Example: inhale, “Kaf Hei Tav ;” exhale, “Peace of God” or “Light of Christ” to better let the spirit breathe.


While doing this one may wish to draw the letters in Hebrew, as seen above, or look at them. Some images to combine to create a mandala would be an image one associates with peace or comfort. Some examples might be the dove or a peace sign. One should use images that remind them of God’s love and peace.


The “leaf” mudra is an excellent token to use with this Name. The leaf mudra is similar to the Buddhists’ Bhudi mudra. The Leaf is made by extending the first three fingers together, while touching the tips of the thumb and pinkie. Placing the hand comfortably away from the body at about mid chest is ideal. Other mudras may be used as well, as the Spirit directs.

Temple Mudra

If one holds priesthood keys they may use the temple mudras with this mantra to gain greater spiritual guidance. Endowing Kaf Hei Tav with power from the temple will unlock doors into worlds without end for the righteous. Temple tokens used in conjunction with the Shem HaMephorash mantras will unlock the power of God, and the power of His temple, in one’s life. For those inducted in to the priesthood and given the Sign of the Law of Sacrifice, this mudra would be appropriate. This sign is made by bringing the right arm to the square, the palm of the hand to the front, the fingers close together, and the thumb extended. For High Priests and High Priestesses, the Sign of the Law of Consecration, may also be used. This is made by raising both hands high above the head, and while lowering the hands three times repeating aloud the words: “Pe le-El,” each time, with the motion of the hands. The hands should be lowered in three movements, as each word is spoken. “Pe:” hands above head, “le:” the arms are dropped to the square, “El:” the hands lowered to the height of one’s chest. Be sure to say or think “Kaf Hei Tav ” while raising hands back into the air.


One may use the following prayer to help begin and/or end the process: God, I pray thee, send for the light of Christ. Banish the evil ones, the negative forces, the distractions; those that would influence to harm. Be they internal or external, banish them, in Jesus name I pray. Let stress dissolve, pressure released. So mote it be. Amen. 

“Now this was what Ammon desired, for he knew that King Lamoni was under the power of God. He knew that the dark veil of unbelief being cast away from his mind and the light which did light up his mind, which was the light of the glory of God, which was a marvelous light of his goodness; yea, this light had infused such joy into his soul, the cloud of darkness having been dispelled, and that the light of everlasting light was lit up in his soul; yea, he knew that this had overcome his natural frame, and he was carried away in God.” -Alma 12:132-135a RAV, 19:6 OPV

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EricI srael
EricI srael
4 years ago

Hi There! I found your write up very encouraging as I am a Christian. Thank you for your caring.

Al Cantwell
Al Cantwell
3 years ago

The link to chalice signs is broken. This is a very informative article.