The Miktabim
On Friday, January 12, 2024, David saw online a symbol that he had seen in the plates of brass, the seal to be engraved (cut, carved, or sewn) upon a…
On Friday, January 12, 2024, David saw online a symbol that he had seen in the plates of brass, the seal to be engraved (cut, carved, or sewn) upon a…
It has been commonly accepted within the Restoration that the Priests and Priestesses of the Levitical Order do not have the authority to bless, because with the High Priesthood restored, the Elders should be called for. This custom and practice requires some clarification.
As we meet together as Saints, some have asked the proper way to organize services. The correct answer of course is, by the Spirit. That said, the Lord has given us instructions on this topic through Raphael, as he spoke to Adam and Eve. These instructions should be used in our home temples, in our Synagogues, Tabernacles, and Temples for personal and group worship.
When we come to Christ, we’re Born Again. Our broken hearts, and contrite spirits recreate us into new spiritual beings. The outward expression of our inner change is known as tikkun olam.
Fasting has been a sacred practice carried out since time immemorial in nearly all cultures. Today, science tells us that fasting also has a number of benefits to our physical health, body and mind.
As a part of receiving one’s Initiatories we are given the Garments of the Priesthood. Into these garments symbols are sewn or cut, that they may function much like a classic amulet that has power from God. What are these garments? When should we wear them?
As we practice lishmah we are in the Shekinah, the Presence of God; and we are the Shekinah, the congregation.
Shem HaMephorash, or the 72 Names of God, are not literally the names of God. Rather, they are powerful meditations designed to help us focus and use the gifts of the Spirit.
Gematria is the practice of deriving deeper insights and meanings from the Torah by combining the numerical values of Hebrew.
While Nephi warned us against stagnation, he also taught the Kabbalistic idea of continuing ever forward in God.
In the Latter Day Saint movement men and women are called of God as "apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth" to help move individuals, congregations, churches, and the kingdom forward in Christ.
In the Latter Day Saint movement, a prophet or prophetess is generally seen as one in contact with God, called to speak on the Lord's behalf, serving as an intermediary with humanity.