On Friday, January 12, 2024, David saw online a symbol that he had seen in the plates of brass, the seal to be engraved (cut, carved, or sewn) upon a holy coat:
“…thou shalt engrave the seal upon the inside of it; and in the middle of the seal put the letters, and around the seal thou shall write: YHVH, may this chereb do Thy services, and may the Lord of it approach!” -4 Moses 32:42
This led David to learn more of Rabbi Moshe Cordovero and his ideas on the Sefirot, but in the short time he had to search all he found were commentaries. After praying and sleeping on what he had read and discussed with a friend on the topic, he retired to bed. In his evening and morning prayers, he asked the Lord to help him uncover more light and knowledge on this symbol. The following morning, David was praying and meditating on the topic when he received the following revelation.
- ¶ Thou has asked for more light and knowledge on the seal of coat of the chereb; yea, and for some time thou has studied and wondered on this chereb of Moses, and of this I shall tell thee this day.
- When Moses and Zipporah were taken upon the mount, there I did give unto them crowns and I did teach them.
- And what were these crowns? The crowns which I place upon the heads of my servants is that light and knowledge of things beyond the minds and comprehension of mankind.
- This is why Keter is the crown on that tree of life, for it is all that is beyond comprehension.
- And I have given thee to wear this crown at my pleasure, that thou should know and teach my people and all they that would be my Israel;
- Therefore, I say unto thee now: All that was preserved in the chereb of Moses are that which Aaron and Miriam and others did preform in ritual that they should know me and see my face;
- For behold, all that I desire of thee and of all mankind is a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and this shall set any on the path for in me they have found redemption.
- Yet there are those that do seek this greater understanding, and did I not promise Israel that they should be a kingdom of kings and queens and priests and priestesses?
- Wherefore, it was my desire from the beginning to give them to wear the crown.
- Yet they desired not to step forth upon the mount when my servants, Moses and Zipporah did bring them unto me;
- Yet there were those that did desire to know, therefore it was given unto Moses and Zipporah to teach them.
- And any one, man or woman, may be taught to wear my crown and to see my face; therefore, this knowledge was saved upon the plates of brass.
- ¶ And this was given unto the Lehites; and my servant Alma, son of Alma, did wear the crown and did see my face, as did Mormon, and his son, Moroni and others.
- Wherefore, thou hast read and witnessed of the power of my Word in the record of the seed of Joseph that were led away into a new land, and in the record of the seed of Judah; therefore, thou might know my Word is true.
- And as thou has read and seen, these things have been corrupted, and Satan has cast his illusions to deceive even the very elect, that as these gifts are restored unto my people, they shall be seen as not by some, and as priestcraft by others,
- Yet those who shall partake of my Spirit and heed my Word shall know that it is of me.
- ¶ Therefore, what then of these things? There will be those that ask: What have I to need of it? And should wonder if they are to partake of it, seeing that I have already given them salvation and exaltation.
- Therefore, I say unto all ye this day: These things are of me, and they are not beyond the mark, nor do they that reject them miss the mark; for in me is Salvation found, and not in any works that mankind should do.
- Those that do these things shall do them as they are moved by the Holy Spirit, and there is no salvation in them, but are given unto they who have already been saved and exalted in my name.
- ¶ And all they that come unto me have already tasted of this chereb, for does not the scripture say:
- Thou shalt be washed, fully immersed in living water, be it by a running stream or with the mikveh; and this thou shall do to fulfill all righteousness; for except that thou be born of the water, thou cannot enter into the Presence of Ha’Elohim; therefore ye shall wash with water that ye die not.
- And when thou cometh up out of the water, thou shall be clean and the Breath a shall fall upon thee; and this thou shalt do that desire to be holy unto YHVH and walk in teshuvah before YHVH, thy Elohim, and to wear the mantel of righteousness.
- ¶ And is this not what I did when I was upon the earth? For John did wash me in water, and my Father did say: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; and the Spirit did descend upon me even as a dove.
- Wherefore, if I should do this to fulfill all righteousness as is taught in the chereb, who art thou, O man, that this be beneath you?
- ¶ Therefore, I say unto you: All they that come unto me and are baptized and that do receive the baptism of fire, all these are on this path to receive the chereb and to wear my crown.
- What then of this path that hath been placed before you? Will those that read these, my words, walk this path and wear my crown?
- I do welcome all they that would do so in my name, but remember my words: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends;
- Therefore, walk this path in love, for they that loveth their lives shall lose their lives, and they that will not run from death shall keep their lives into the eternities, for all they that will drinketh of the water that I shall give them shall never thirst.
- And this water that I shall give shall be in them a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
- And what is this water? It is the love of God that did pour out upon this creation from before the foundation of the world.
- ¶ And now, I do say unto you: This chereb is a sign and a token, it is a physical witness of the spiritual reality that you are mine and of our oneness,
- And the clothes do represent the priesthood, that you have been called and set apart to do works in my name.
- Even as I told thee before: As a man putteth on one set of clothing to plow the fields and another to sleep, so too doth man put on another to do the work of the Lord.
- And the garments that you are given, these do carry upon them the staff of Elohim, and you are as a staff in my hand; the motion upon that path to which I have called thee; the guidance of El Elyon, all those on my path do follow my words; and the house of the Holy Spirit, for thou art a holy temple unto me.
- ¶ What then of the symbol of that coat, the Miktabim or in other words, the writings? Is it even as my servant, Rabbi Moshe Cordovero did teach?
- Behold: I give my symbols unto all that are called to teach to use as they instruct all that would learn of me; therefore, it is even the tree of life,
- And this it does represent the connection between thee and me, for you were created in my name and the tree of life is in you even as you are in me.
- I am in all of the creation, and the creation in me, there is no part of this earth where I do not dwell;
- Therefore, it is even as Rabbi Moshe Cordovero did say: The stone is a thing pervaded by divinity; and this I did show unto you when I did teach you of the urim and thummim.
- That which is not of me is the darkness that lies in the heart of mankind; for these do reject my love and my grace and seek to hold to this life and seek immortality in their sins, even as Lilith did.
- Yea, I am that light that penetrates the darkness, and they are the darkness that comprehendeth not my light nor my love; therefore, shed away thy pride and thy ego and be one in me and in my name.
- ¶ And the letters, Tsadi and Mem; Tsadi does represent the righteous, and that veil that is penetrated by my light and that Holy Spirit that does guide all they that do follow me.
- Mem does represent the living waters, the wisdom of my Word as given by the prophets and the prophetesses and my chosen seers.
- These are together in the Miktabim that represents my pathways, and is this not the tree of life?
- Have I not said that mankind should walk about the orchard and these pathways?
- And thou knoweth that the orchard is my written Word, and and these pathways are the growth in my Grace.
- And together, these become צם, or tsám: they who have fasted.
- And what is to fast? It is to give up the things of this world, to give them to me as my servants have given themselves unto me; therefore it can be said: That thou hast given thy life for thy friends.
- ¶ And now, I say unto you, and what I speak unto you I speak unto all those that should walk my paths, seek the chereb and the crown, and to see my face:
- You do not walk this path alone, for I am with thee, and I do send my angels to comfort and watch over thee.
- All those that come unto me have started upon this path; therefore, fear not: I shall give thee strength, and you shall not be weary.
- Know that my Spirit is with thee and does rest upon thee, and this path is mine.
- All those that have been called up to walk it shall not walk it alone, but I shall send others to help thee that thou should strengthen and watch over one another, even as I do watch over thee.
- ¶ And now, I say unto all they that seek to see my face: Go and do; even so, amen and amen.