Building Zion – Part 4
Building Zion - Part 4Mourning with those that Mourn Months later, my mother passed away. It happened pretty much on schedule from what her original doctor had predicted. I'd love to…
Building Zion - Part 4Mourning with those that Mourn Months later, my mother passed away. It happened pretty much on schedule from what her original doctor had predicted. I'd love to…
Building Zion - Part 3Comforting those who need comfort At this point in the story, my Parents had returned from Mexico, and my mother had a special diet she needed…
Julie had a crushing burden, but with some help from a friend, she was able to get through this otherwise impossible situation.
My family had an unbearable burden, but with some help from friends, we were able to get through this otherwise crushing situation.
There was once a wise and kindly woman who sat on the porch of her home talking with her strong and knowledgeable husband. Together, they observed the interactions between their many and diverse children...
The need for the Rosary I've been looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of the time I spend in thoughtful meditation. I have a tendency to zone out after…
I've been pondering recently about where we are in the rollout of the School of the Prophets, and here is the imagery that I have come to as I seek to understand our current situation.
I’ve been pestering the LORD with the same basic question for several months, and lately that pestering has been more and more frequent. The root question I’ve been drilling on is how these different seers can bring forth these different records that are at odds with one another.
After reading this, I stopped and said to myself ... surely what Nephi said in 2nd Nephi, 28:30 are true, "For unto him that receiveth, I will give more; and from them that shall say: We have enough, shall be taken away even that which they have."
Alef-Tav together is like what the Greek world would think of as Alpha and Omega. So, Alef-Tav is another name for the Great YHVH.
Alef-Tav together is like what the Greek world would think of as Alpha and Omega. So, Alef-Tav is another name for the Great YHVH.