Fire: Athame
The athame is likely the least known tool. The Smith family is known to have at least one athame, the Mars Dagger.
The athame is likely the least known tool. The Smith family is known to have at least one athame, the Mars Dagger.
The cup or chalice is the easiest of the tools to identify and understand due to its use in the Sacrament of Communion.
In a revelation to Oliver Cowdery, the Lord told him, through the seer stone, to use his "sprout" to translate. God was speaking of Oliver's divining rod.
To create a sacred space for home worship, meditation, and other spiritual needs, our second temple is our home temple. For this, members and ministers may have a temple altar in their homes.
What does it mean to have a temple in our homes? This refers to creating a safe space where one my do or prepare to do the Lord's works.
If the broken heart is one being open to both receiving and pouring out God’s Love, the true prayer now inscribed upon it, what then is the “contrite spirit?”
The following is a revelation received by apostle of the Church of Christ, and president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, John Taylor received September, 1886.
The following is a revelation received by apostle of the Church of Christ, and president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, John Taylor.
There are many that feel their denomination is the "one true church." This leads individuals to ask, what makes one a "true Christian?" Is it the church they attend? Is it the books they read? Is it the things they do or do not do?
The following revelation was given to David in Ohio after leaving a meeting with local Latter-day Saint Church leaders on December 13, 2015.
The following is a revelation on ordaining disciples to the ministry, and further instructions on the Sacrament of holy Communion, received in Ohio by David on the morning of November 25, 2015.