The Torah of Moses from the Plates of Brass

“Thus saith the LORD God; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand.” –Ezekiel 37:19 KJV

The 5 Books of Moses is a divinely inspired translation of the plates of brass by David that began March 8, 2018. (If you are unfamiliar with the plates of brass, Mormon Rescue has made a video covering them here.) Being awoken around 2 am, he was given the first few chapters of the Book of Melchizedek. In 2019, David was told to begin translating, among other things, these 5 Books of Moses. Less than a year later, the work was completed.  The plates of brass are a part of the “coat of many colors” Jacob gave his son Joseph. These writings of Moses are a part of the stick of Ephraim that is to be put with the stick of Judah. This is why it was written on brass in Egyptian, the language of Joseph of Egypt, because it was not for all of the tribes.

The title page reads:

“To the descendants of Joseph, to be kept hidden from the World until the Last Days: By the Power of YHVH, these Plates of Brass shall not perish, neither shall they be dimmed by time; but YHVH Elohim shall preserve these Words to go forth unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people from the mouths of those who are of the seed of Joseph; and even as Joseph fed Israel and kept them safe from famine in a strange land, these plates must be preserved that Israel may eat of the Word of God in the famine that shall be found the Last Days.


“To those charged to keep these records: keep them safe, keep them hidden until Fullness of Times; for in them are the manna to feed Israel, and in them are the coat of many colors preserved unto the seed of our father, Joseph, as given Him by his Father, Jacob; and in Israel is found the straight path to YHVH Elohim.


“Israel be blessed, for in YHVH is our salvation found, throughout all time and for all eternity; Amen.”

A few things of note regarding this translation:

To see and translate these plates, David first put himself into a meditative state using Kabbalistic techniques. He was then taken in vision to a cave lit by fire light. On within the cave, on a table rested the plates of brass. They are a dark, brass color with Egyptian writings and symbols shining brightly as if they were freshly carved. These become Hebrew words with no vowels as light above them, written is fire. Above this are English words, or words written in English letters. David would then seek the power of God to see through these three layers of writing to translate the documents. He had to work it out in his mind, feeling what is correct. When it was correct, he would feel the burning in his bosom, and with peace in his heart would write the translation and move on. When he would get stuck, he would put the Hebrew or the English version of the Hebrew into the internet to get different meanings to help with the translation. Other times he would feel inspired to read passages from certain books that help clarify a meaning so he can translate properly.

4 Moses appears to be a collection of five books:

  1. The Book of Testimony
  2. The Torah of the Tabernacle
  3. The Chereb of Moses
  4. The Wisdom of Zipporah
  5. The Law of Moses

The Wisdom of Zipporah appears to be the writings of Moses’ wife, the prophetess Zipporah as collected by Moses.

In 5 Moses, as presented in the plates of brass, there would be 3 chapters:

  1. Chapters 1-7 (The Book of Instructions)
  2. Chapters 8-29 (The Law of the Land)
  3. Chapters 30-32 (Blessings and Curses).

These were divided into the current chapters and given titles, based on the content, Deuteronomy, and inspiration.

Read the 5 Books of Moses in a free PDF here, or buy a copy on Amazon here.

“And after they had given thanks unto the God of Israel, my father Lehi took the records which were engraven upon the plates of brass, and he did search them from the beginning. And he beheld that they did contain the five books of Moses, which gave an account of the creation of the world…” -1 Nephi 1:158-159 RAV, 5:10-511a OPV

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