Gender Expression in Israelite Culture
One question I hear quite often is, why didn't God mention the LGBTQ people in the scriptures? I would say that God did by treating them as actual people and not separating them out as we do in modern society.
One question I hear quite often is, why didn't God mention the LGBTQ people in the scriptures? I would say that God did by treating them as actual people and not separating them out as we do in modern society.
As Christians, the work we do as allies of the LGBTQIA+ community and messages we spread are ALWAYS for the members of the LGBTQIA+, first and foremost.
In the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship we fully accept the LGBTQ community. We will marry and/or seal same-sex couples for all time and eternity. The Fellowship fully supports all marriages based on unity, love, and a committed relationship with God.
One's gender identity is how an individual feels in relation to their physical and spiritual being. In an effort of full inclusion, the following guide is offered to help the Saints express their gender in a way that show respect and confidence to one another in Jesus Christ.
The most important thing we can each learn in this life is how to love. We need to learn how to love ourselves, how to love our families, siblings, how to love our spouses, our children, neighbors, coworkers, friends, enemies, strangers and anyone that we come in contact with.
Love everyone and let god sort it out.