The following revelation was received January 20, 2019 by Apostle Victoria Ramirez. Changes to the original revelation are in italics. This revelation was voted on and sustained as canon for use in the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship by the Assembly of Saints April 6, 2020.
- On the night of January 20, 2019 I was visited by Mother Mary; she explained to her reason for choosing to appear to me.
- She asked me to get up and sit with my computer so I can write (transcribe) what she was to dictate to me; a message to clear up much misunderstanding about the Heavenly Mother.
- ¶ These are her words: I AM Mother Mary, as a representative of the Divine Mother for the planet Earth.
- I represent the Feminine aspect of God to all people on this planet as I am surrounded by all the Mothers of Heaven in support of my coming into your midst…
- ¶ I, Mother Mary, represent the feminine aspect of the Godhead.
- For Mary as well as Jesus, their lifetimes were their final initiations for the ascension.
- Both I, Mary and Jesus attained Godhood at the end of our lifetimes and took our places in the Spiritual Hierarchy as well as leaving a record in the etheric realms of this event for posterity.
- Jesus reminded us throughout his ministry; He way was the way shower to remind us that we could do all that He could and more if we followed in his footsteps.
- In order to clearly define the role of the Divine Mother I must preface it with points to keep in mind as we explore more deeply two aspects of God.
- ¶ There is the one Creator, the Great I AM, YHVH, which is the Infinite, which is undivided, indivisible;
- Yet that infinite Creator has expressed itself in the world of form.
- The indivisible Creator has expressed itself AS form, and has embedded its own Being in form.
- It has created everything out of its own Being.
- Even though there is still an aspect of God that is the undivided Creator, God has also divided itself into the world of form, through union with the “Ma-ter Light.”
- This is an expression of the Divine Mother. Ma-ter Light.
- God the Father is not separated or distinct from God the Mother in the way we think of it, based on gender roles on Earth.
- God the Mother is another expression of God the Father.
- ¶ God the Father and God the Mother are naturally beyond human sexuality.
- The transference of human qualities upon God is the very essence of the duality consciousness and the ego.
- The Ego uses the duality consciousness to build a mental image of the world, and then it projects it upon everything.
- The Ego seeks ultimate validation for its mental images, and it does so by projecting those images upon God, saying that God actually created the image or that the image is not an image but represents God’s reality.
- ¶ It is for you to understand that in order to create a world of form, the Infinite God must manifest itself as a polarity to itself, by manifesting itself as a state of Being that can take on finite form.
- This Being, this state of Being, of the expressed God, is indeed the polarity to the unexpressed God.
- The transcendent, unexpressed God is the Divine Father, and the expressed God is the Divine Mother.
- ¶ The Creator has expressed itself as form, has embedded its own Being in form, has created everything out of its own Being.
- Even though there is still an aspect of God that is the undivided Creator, God has also divided itself into the world of form, the Ma-ter light that has taken on form.
- Although there is a transcendent God, who sometimes you may feel is beyond your reach.
- Yet God has another aspect, namely the Divine Feminine, who is not beyond your reach.
- In fact I AM very close to you; for each of your are an extension of, an expression of, an individualization of, the Divine Feminine, expressed as the Divine Mother.
- ¶ All forms in this Universe are expressions of the Divine Mother; everything has the Divine Feminine embedded within it.
- And thus, God the Father is never separated from me as he is never separated from you.
- For, as Jesus said: the Kingdom of God is within you; you can only find me by looking within.
- I have come to this vessel who has chosen to be chosen, and has offered to be the open door for me to come closer, into your circle to help clear up some confusion, answer questions that I have heard come from
your hearts. - O yes, I have heard your hearts call as I heard and feel the heart’s call of every son and daughter on Planet Earth.
- ¶ The most common illusion found on this planet, is namely that God is separated from God’s creation.
- Each one of you, both male and female are created from God’s own Being, and thus, can never be separated from Him
who is your source. - You must transcend your current image of God and see Him as both Feminine and Masculine.
- The transcendent God that is beyond form, and the God that is expressing itself as form through the perfect balance with the Divine Feminine,
- But yet is still the transcendent God who cannot be trapped in any particular form.
- As soon as that is done, we as humans have created a graven image.
- He is formless, limitless, pure consciousness and can not be confined to any mortal construct, any form or image.
- ¶ We cannot look at the imperfections on Earth and say that this is God the Mother.
- God the Mother can never be in any impure form; even though God the Mother allows Her energies, Her light, to take on an impure form.
- It is done in order to give God’s co-creators to learn their lesson by the opportunity to reap what we have sown.
- ¶ Despite all outer appearances, God the Mother forever remains pure, remains undefiled, by any imperfect manifestation in this world—
- Theses are created from the consciousness of humanity.
- God the Mother has always been pure—and will always remain pure.
- When we obtain the Christ consciousness and see that there is no separation between God the Father and God the Mother, then we become the purity of God the Mother in embodiment.
- Then, we become God the Mother in embodiment—whether we are in a male or female body and take dominion over the Earth as a co-creator with God.
- ¶ It is the Creator expressing itself as God the Mother that has created the world of form.
- And thus, we need to go beyond the expressions of Father and Mother to see God as the infinite God and the expressed God, the manifest God.
- ¶ As self-conscious beings, are evolving toward God consciousness.
- And when we obtain that God consciousness, we can experience the Creator in its pure form.
- But as long as we are in embodiment in the world of form, we do not experience the Creator in its pure form, we experience the Creator in its expressed form as God the Mother.
- And that truly is the God that we become one with while we are still in embodiment.
- ¶ When we are in embodiment, we hold a female polarity with the beings in the spiritual realm, who hold the masculine polarity.
- So when we say: I and my Father are One, we acknowledge our oneness with our teachers, the I AM Presence and spiritual lineage that leads all the way to the Creator.
- Thus, we acknowledge the oneness of Spirit and matter, the spiritual realm (the Father) and the material realm (the Mother).
- ¶ When we attain the Christ consciousness we find there is no separation, not even any difference, between the masculine and feminine aspects of God, because they have become one in our beings.
- For the Christ consciousness unifies the two aspects of God, so that we overcome the separation, the illusion that any material form could be separated from its spiritual source.
- The path to personal Christhood is not a path that can be walked without the Divine Feminine.
- When we obtain Christhood, we rise above the gender roles on Earth.
- It no longer matters whether we are in a male or female body, for we have risen beyond human sexuality.
- When we obtain the union of the Father-Mother, the feminine-masculine, the outer and the inner, we realize that there was never a separation;
- For how could God be separated from itself, when God is infinite and thus is everywhere and must be in everything?
- The Father and I are One.
Respectfully submitted:
Victoria Ramirez
Apostolic Witness for Jesus Christ in service to the whole of the Restoration Movement, through the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship
It should be noted that the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship does not define the nature of God for members dogmatically. We accept those with a trinitarian view, along with a wide variety of other views on the nature of God.
A beautiful revelation helping us understand the Divine Feminine. I vote yes.
5 votes yes from South Carolina
I approve the scriptures and revelations presented. Yes in all.
5 positive votes from here in California
My votes from Conference 2020: Pending Scriptures, All listed – yes
I vote yes. Thank you.