
“THOU shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy might, and with all thy strength; let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” –Book of the Law of the Lord 1:1/3 Nephi 5:63 RAV, 12:16 OPV

The 10 Sefirot (Hebrew for “emanations”) are the 10 attributes of God in Kabbalah, through which Ein Sof (the Everlasting name of God) reveals Himself/Themselves to humankind. There are a few different ways of using the Sefirot. Some Kabbalists study and grow from attribute to attribute, while others see them as an urim and thummim. As an urim and thummim, the right and left sides create a series of “lenses” for the natural eyes, while the center creates a series of “lenses” for the third or spiritual eye. Through this urim and thummim, God helps us see both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms.

In Mormon Kabbalah, we do both; using the Sefirot for growth and as seer stones. We grow from Sefirot to Sefirot in Christ’s grace, and seeing the world through spiritual eyes by the power of the Holy Ghost. Here we will give a quick over view of each Sefirot and how one may grow their perspective with each as we grow closer to God.

  • English: Crown
  • Body part: Top of the head, just above the head, or third eye
  • Color: white
  • Element: Spirit: intelligence, priesthood, oneness
  • Associated with: Ehveh “I AM” (the power of God, the unity of God)
  • Herald: Enoch/Metatron “a divider and fixer of boundaries;” archangel known as the Recording Angel or the Chancellor of Heaven. (See the herald of Binah for more information.)
  • Day of Creation: Before the creation, representing everything we were, God is, and we may become.

“The Word of God became man, that thou mayest learn from man how man may become God.“ -Clement of Alexandria, 150-215

Keter is the uppermost of the Sefirot of the middle line or kav emtsaee (Hebrew for “middle line”), the line of mildness or balance in the Tree of Life. In the Zohar, Keter is known as “the most hidden of all hidden things,” being incomprehensible to man. Only through God may the incomprehensible be known. Keter teaches us humility, “the last shall be first, and the first last” (Matthew 20:16).

To see the world through the Sefirot Keter:

  • one’s thoughts should be pure
  • one’s temperament should be gentle
  • one’s face always shining
  • one’s ears should listen to hear the good in all places
  • one’s eyes should not seek evil, always looking for the good in all things
  • one’s nose should be free from the breath of anger
  • one’s mouth speaking nothing but good, righteousness.

We see Keter through Binah, which is a reflection of this Sefirot as seen by the human soul once we are born again.

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