Revelation on the Tent of the Presence

David was asked to pray on building a Tent of the Presence before building a temple or a tabernacle. After much prayer and meditation, the following was received on July 8, 2024, in New York state. 

  1. Unto my servant David, and unto all they that do desire to worship in my name; behold, I did say unto my people: Build a temple unto me that I may come into my house, and that my people shall have a place to worship (DoS 107:3).
  2. And when thou didst come to me asking of the tabernacle, I did say that this would do until a temple could be built, and I did give unto you instruction, though not as great as the instructions I did give unto my servant, Moses (DoS 124).
  3. And now thou doth come before me to ask of the Tent of the Presence, for if my people cannot build a temple, nor a tabernacle, what should ye do?
  4. Behold, I say unto you this day: The Tent of the Presence is also the Tent of the Meeting, and if thou should build this and meet in my name, then I shall fill it with my Presence;
  5. However, this is not a temple, but a house of meditation; therefore, though you may perform your ordinances and your rituals there in my name, I shall not send my servant, Elijah, there, and it is but a place of worship until the temple shall be built in my name.
  6. ¶ And I say unto thee and to my Fellowship: There needs be a temple built in Missouri, and there ye shall meet once a year in my name (DoS 124:52).
  7. And another shall be built in the Great Lakes region in North America, be it in the United States, in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin, or if it be in the Canadian province of Ontario or Quebec mattereth not to me, saith the Lord;
  8. But know that this will be the very edge of Zion on the North American continent from which the Third Degree Apostles shall teach their Seventy Elders under the direction of the School of the Prophets or the School of Elders, and where the Fourth Degree Apostles shall teach the Seventy High Priest and High Priestesses,
  9. And from there shall these evangelists and missionaries be sent forth unto all the world; to gather Israel, and to preach my gospel, and bring hope into this world.
  10. Whether my apostles teach them, or if they shall work with the School of the Prophets to find teachers to teach them mattereth not to me, so long as they are taught in my ways and prepared that they not be sent forth in ignorance.
  11. ¶ And from there, there shall be temples build upon every continent whereupon my people do dwell and these shall be houses of bread that will feed all they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness,
  12. And you shall feed the poor among you that the wickedness of the Sodomites shall not be found within the gates of my house.
  13. For even as I have said before, the wickedness of the Sodomites was even that of her pride, and her fullness of bread, yet she was idol in that her hand did not reach out to feed or help the poor or the needy (Ezekiel 16:49).
  14. And by this shall the stakes of Zion be stretched forth to heal this creation.
  15. But behold, I say unto you: That this cannot be done in the Tent of Meeting, for it is a house of meditation and a house of prayer.
  16. ¶ And now I say unto you: There are five temples built up into me, the Lord your God, and these are the temple body, the temple of your abode, the synagogue or the temple of the congregation, the temple of Zion, and the temple of my house, or the temple of heaven.
  17. And the temple of the body is the house of the Holy Spirit, for it is where my spirit doth dwell that mankind might be one with their God.
  18. And the temple of your abode is the home temple, for it is where the family may gather in my name, even with all they that you should desire to invite to worship in your homes they you may be one in my name.
  19. And the synagogues  or the temples of the congregation are to be local temples where many might gather in my name, and break bread together, and tend to my gardens, and care for the poor and needy.
  20. And the temples of Zion are where my people shall meet three times a year, that ye might all be one in my name, and honor the Holy Days of the covenant, and remember to love one another and be my Zion.
  21. And the temple of heaven is even my house, where my Father and my Mother doth dwell, and there do I, even now, prepare a house for you, my good and faithful servant.
  22. And the temple of the body is even the temple of heaven, for it is first build in thy heart, for there is my kingdom found.
  23. And the Temple of your abode is even the first temple of the congregation, for the family is the community of Christ.
  24. ¶ And now do I say unto my Fellowship: The Tent of the Presence should be constructed near all of the temples of Zion that my people shall have a place to go and speak to me, and hear my Voice and know me by my name, for my people are a prophetic people and upon this rock shall Zion be built.
  25. For all of my temples have the steps that are the straight line into my Presence, for first are the waters of life, then the Holy Place, and then the Holy of Holies.
  26. And in the Holy Place, when all they that enter in do enter, they first pass the Altar of Incense for by the very Breath of YHVH is mankind awakened.
  27. And to the right or the North is the shewbread, which is the bread of life and all ye would do well to remember that is it not by bread alone that mankind shall live, but by the very word of God;
  28. Therefore, it is placed to the side, and you shall depart to the right or to the left only upon my instruction, for is this not the covenant: All that YHVH hath spoken we will do.
  29. And to the left or the South is the Menorah which is to represent the tree of life and that fire of the fruits of the Spirit that doth light your way;
  30. Therefore, it is placed to that side that you shall not come upon it in your distress and be burnt, yet it should light your way, and be a flame of purification from which you shall eat of the fruit of it when I shall teach you.
  31. And the veil that stands between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies is even the veil between mankind and the Lord, your God; therefore behind it lay the truth of all things, and all that read this shall gain access to me through the veil, should they seek it, for my people are a prophetic people.
  32. ¶ And in this, you do see that the temple is but a symbol of your body, which is your mind, your heart, and your spirit; wherefore I did say: Thou shalt love YHVH thy Elohim with all thy heart, and with all thy might, and with all thy strength (4 Moses 3:2).
  33. And all the rituals that I do move you to perform are but a symbol of your growth as you return back into my Presence;
  34. Therefore, when you should meet to stand before me, be it to hear my voice or to seek my Face, this tent shall be the Tent of the Presence, but when you should use this place to meet one with another it shall be known as the Tent of Meeting, but this shall not be known as a temple nor as a synagogue .
  35. ¶ And should then the temples of the synagogue and of the congregation have too the Tent of the Presence? Behold, this shall be based upon the needs of my people.
  36. And I say unto you: That if the people are too small and there is not a house to meet in my name, but you can procure land enough for which to build a building there upon, then build a place for your dwelling that you might worship and feed those in need.
  37. And if you cannot yet build the tabernacle; behold, I have given you the dimensions; therefore, if you have gold and silver enough to buy tents that you should dedicate them unto me as a tabernacle, this is enough.
  38. Was not the temple of Nephi built like unto that temple of Solomon in Jerusalem save it be without all the riches? And what need have I for gold and riches? for all of the creation, she is mine.
  39. But if you desire to use these tents as tabernacles unto me, then you shall see to it that they are set up properly as you have been instructed, and that they be set apart for my use.
  40. And this thing must be done that your needs be met, even as I have instructed you, until such a time that my house may be built, and I say unto you that this must be done that I shall send my angels unto you, and that you should speak unto me again face to face.
  41. For now I say: Go and do, for behold, I come quickly; even so: Amen and amen.
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