“Above all else, strive to be faithful to Christ’s vision of the peaceable Kingdom of God on earth.” -Doctrines of the Saints 2e:20
The Council of Fifty of the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship have been called of God to “assist in the Works of the Lord as the Saints and those that would call themselves Saints move from the creed of the Church to the Kingdom of God” (Doctrines of the Saints 50a:6). As such, the Fellowship does not and will not have any creeds for the Saints to adhere to.
The Fellowship of Christ does offer a Statement of Fundamental Truths, also known as The Seven Principles of Mormon Kabbalah. This statement is to be understood and interpreted by the Saints in their own understanding, and never dictated or used to dissuade, discourage, command, or condemn a fellow Saint.
Likewise, a Constitution was created as a list of general articles of our faith, for the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship. Like the Statement of Fundamental Truths, the Constitution is not binding on members but acts as a common ground for the Saints to work from. It may not be used to dictate to or against, to dissuade, discourage, command, or condemn a fellow Saint.
In addition, bylaws were written up and sent to the State of Ohio to create a legally recognized organization. Again, these bylaws are not a creed and may not be used to dictate to or against, to dissuade, discourage, command, or condemn a fellow Saint.
Speaking to Joseph Smith Jr. on the creeds of man, the Lord stated “that all their creeds were an abomination in His sight” (Avahr 5:28). As such, the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship shall have no creeds.
Without creed, some may ask, what then is a church? The Church is the bride of Christ, every Saint or everyone that would call themselves Saints. A church then is a body, group, or congregation of Christ’s disciples, acknowledging Jesus Christ as their King, united in the belief in His reality, and covenanting with Him to grow in Grace as moved by the Holy Spirit.
What then is the Fellowship? The Lord has answered this question:
“My son, David; thou hast come to me asking to know my will regarding the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship: Is the Fellowship of Christ a church? a religious movement? an idea? or is it something else all together? Behold, O man, the will of your God: The Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship is all these and more, for it is the very Kingdom of God.” -Doctrines of the Saints 125:1-3