A People Called (Part 1)

This is part one of a series of revelations given to David in February 2020. This revelation was voted on and sustained as canon for use in the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship by the Assembly of Saints April 6, 2020.

Revelation A: To David

  1. Verily thus Saith the Lord unto you my Servant David: It is wisdom in me that thou shalt finish the translation of the First Book of Moses from the brass plates, and set aside the Doctrines of the Saints at present.
  2. Yea, and thou shalt translate the words of my servant Zenos from these plates, for his words have been preserved to be given to the world at this time, and to prepare my Saints for my coming;
  3. And this that my people might better understand the words of my servants Nephi and John, for unto these have I given the vision of my Creation, of things that have come to pass and that are soon to come to pass.
  4. And thou shalt not be taken from the earth until this work is done, for this is the work I have called thee to do, and I have all power, even over life and death;
  5. Therefore, worry not as to the things of the flesh for I AM, thy God, looketh down upon thee and watcheth over thee, and what greater protection can any have than this?
  6. As I have told thee before, if this work is to be done by this generation, that is the work of the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship, then it must be done by they whom I have called, for thou has thy duties, and other duties have I given unto thy brothers and thy sisters;
  7. Thus I say unto thee: Learn patience, for all things shall be done in my way and in my time, and the work that thou doest is to prepare the way for my coming, for my people are not yet ready;
  8. Yea, thou hast seen the pride of their hearts, and felt my pain in my peoples, and thou hast not walked away, this in spite of thy weakness;
  9. But behold, it is in thy weakness that thou hast been strong, for thou doest not these things for thine own glory, nor for reward, but for my glory, and because I have asked it of thee,
  10. Yea thou have been faithful to our covenant made in thy youth, and for this I am well pleased, and thy sins are forgiven thee;
  11. I have seen thy deeds and found thee worthy, worry not therefore upon the opinions of mankind, for the darkness cannot comprehend the light, no not at all.
  12. Go forth and continue in this, my labor, and build up mine vineyard in my name, and fulfill thy calling in faith, steadfastly and be thou my rock, unmovable, Even so, Amen.

Revelation B: To Kristine

  1. And unto my servant Kristine, my Elect Lady: What more can I say unto thee than that which I have already said?
  2. The time is now at hand to restore all things, and the keys of the kingdom have been given thee, thou art called and thou hast heeded my call,
  3. Yet the things of this world way heavy upon thee, and time is fleeting; therefore I say unto thee that this duty is not given unto thee alone.
  4. Yea, others too have I called and set apart to help thee, yet thou must take the lead, thou must call forth the daughters of Zion and oversee this, my work.
  5. And this thou shall do, for thou art faithful; yea thou wast faithful in thy first estate, and thou shall be faithful here as well;
  6. Therefore, seek my council in prayer, seek the council of thy husband, for he shall support thee, and seek they that have been called; yea, call unto thee two councilors to assist thee in this work, and seek too their wisdom;
  7. Yea, do this and all things shall be done even as I will, Even so, Amen.

Revelation C: To Alexei

  1. Unto my servant Alexei I say: As I told thee before, thou art a shepherd in my name and in my vineyard, and I have called thee as a talmidim, a disciple, my shaliaḥ, an apostle in my name,
  2. For thou art an emissary, a teacher, a messenger, and a special witness of HaShem; but in this task thou are not to be alone, for many are called though few are chosen.
  3. And I say unto thee: I have called many apostles in these, the last days, for the benefit of my Churches,
  4. And thou shall seek and thou shall find, and thou shall call eleven brethren to assist thee, for thou art the chief apostle of the Brotherhood in my Fellowship, and the co-president of the twelve for the Order of the Ministry in this, my vineyard;
  5. And ye shall behold that these shall come to thee, sent from me, from all walks of life, and from all corners of the earth, and from different parts of my vineyard,
  6. And these shall raise their voices with thee, and ye, as one, shall cry teshuvah unto my people.
  7. And now I say unto thee: My work has been placed before thy feet, and thou hast been given thy mitzvah; therefore go forth unto thy duty; Even so, Amen.

Revelation D: To Victoria

  1. Unto my servant Victoria I say: thou art a shepherd in my name and in my vineyard, and I have called thee as a talmidim, a disciple, my shaliaḥ, even an apostle in my name,
  2. For thou art an emissary, a teacher, a messenger, and a special witness of HaShem; yea and thou art a diamond in my crown, yea even a diamond with a thousands facets.
  3. And I say unto thee: I have called many apostles in these, the last days, for the benefit of my Churches, yet in this day not many that I have called have been chosen from the daughters of Zion, yet I have called them;
  4. And thou shall seek them out, they whom I have called, and thou shall find them, and thou shall call ten more of my daughters,
  5. For thou art the chief apostle of the Sisterhood in my Fellowship, and the co-president of the twelve for the Order of the Ministry in this, my vineyard;
  6. And ye shall behold that these shall come to thee, sent from me, from all walks of life, and from all corners of the earth, and from different parts of my vineyard,
  7. And these shall raise their voices with thee, and ye, as one, shall cry teshuvah unto my people;
  8. And thou shalt work with the Elect Lady to help organize my daughters, they too shall be one in me, yea even the daughters of Zion.
  9. And now I say unto thee: Go fourth, O my Daughter of Zion; for thou hast been given thy mitzvah and it is thy duty; Even so, Amen.

Revelation E: To FayEllen

  1. Unto my servant FayEllen I say: thou art a shepherd in my name and in my vineyard, and I have called thee as a talmidim, a disciple, my shaliaḥ, an apostle in my name;
  2. For thou art an emissary, a teacher, a messenger and a special witness of me; and I called thee in thy youth, and thou hast been a witness in my name for many years, and thou hast faithfully served.
  3. And now I have called thee out of the many apostles in these, the last days, for the benefit of my Churches, to help build up and unite my people, to help build my Fellowship and the daughters of Zion.
  4. And I say unto thee: Many trials hast thou faced, and in these thou were not alone, for I was with thee in the fire, and I walked with thee, and I surrounded thee with mine angels, yea and these did and do watch over thee.
  5. And why shouldest thou be placed in the fire? Was it for the sins of thy youth or to test thy worth? I say unto thee nay, these were not to prove thee nor to reprove thee,
  6. For I knewest thou before thou wast born, and there I called thee, and there did I set thee apart, and I know thee better than thou could ever understand by the understanding of this world.
  7. But all these things were done that the world may know what I know of thee, that thou art a diamond in my crown, and thou hast shined forth in all thou hast been through, and for this thou art blessed.
  8. And now it is given thee to help prepare this generation for as long as thou art able, and to prophesy unto this generation of the goodness of God.
  9. And behold, there are many youth born in this day and even unto this very hour, that await thy words, to hear thy story, for it is sacred; for thy story is my story, and in it shall these gain strength.
  10. And thou art a daughter of Zion, and thou art called to help gather my daughters unto me, to cry teshuvah to my people that they might cry no more in the wilderness, but to see that their salvation is come,
  11. Therefore, tell thy sacred story, even the story of thy faith, that through thee others may be empowered and illuminated by my Spirit.
  12. And now I say unto thee: My work has been placed before thy feet, and thou hast been given thy mitzvah, therefore go forth unto thy duty; Even so, Amen.

Revelation F: To Allen

  1. Unto my servant Allen I say: Blessed are thee in this thy labor, and thou hast been called to lead my people and to build churches in my name.
  2. Yea, and I have called thee as a talmidim, a disciple, my shaliaḥ; an apostle of the Seventy in my name, for thou art an emissary a teacher, a messenger and a special witness of me.
  3. And know thou this: That if my works are to be done by this generation, then it must be done by they whom I have called, for thou has thy duties, and other duties have I given unto thy brothers and thy sisters;
  4. And what are thy duties? To find others, my lost sheep and my shepherds, to set them apart as Pastors and Bishops, and Evangelists in my name, for it is these that shall labor in my vineyards.
  5. Behold, not all fruits are fully ripe when they are plucked, therefore think not that thou must forgo and do all alone, yea some may fall but these must be free to do so.
  6. Therefore, I say unto you: Seek out those that would do my work and advise them in their way, do not the labors for them.
  7. Yea, and I have many awaiting thy call to help thee, even other Seventy, and the woman thou seeketh shall be thy helpmate in this thy calling, to preside as an equal over the Seventy, and she shall help build up the daughters of Zion.
  8. But for now be patient and be ready, study the revelation on my priesthoods, be prayerful and ever watching for many are called and thou shall build up my kingdom throughout the earth.
  9. Therefore, I say unto thee again: Go and do, be watchful, be ready, moving forward, ever forward with faith; Even so, Amen.
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4 years ago

5 votes yes from South Carolina

4 years ago

I approve the scriptures and revelations presented. Yes in all.

Christian Amparano
Christian Amparano
4 years ago

5 positive votes from here in California

Victoria Ramirez
Victoria Ramirez
4 years ago

My votes from Conference 2020: Pending Scriptures, All listed – yes

Kristine, co-president
4 years ago

I vote yes.