Revelation through Joesph Smith Jr. to James Strang

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  • Post last modified:August 25, 2022
  • Reading time:7 mins read

The letter and revelation by Joseph Smith Jr. to James Strang. Emma Smith verified that Joseph Smith Jr. write the letter. And, The handwriting was verified by the firm,Tyrell and Doud, who stated: “A brief observation of these four documents indicates that the education and word usage was consistent with the theory that all four documents were authored by one individual” (Shepard, William 1977; James J. Strang: Teachings of a Mormon Prophet. Burlington, WI).

1 My Dear Son: Your epistle of May 24th, proposing the planting a stake of Zion in Wisconsin and the gathering of the saints there, was duly received, and I with most of the brethren whose advice I called in were of opinion that you was deceived by a spirit not of this world, great but not good.

2 Brother Hyrum however thought otherwise and favored the project, not doubting it was of God.

3 I however determined to return you an unfavorable answer for the present.

4 But oh the littleness of man in his best earthly state.

5 Not so the will of the Almighty.

6 God hath ruled it otherwise, and a message from the throne of grace directed me as it hath inspired you, and the faith which thou hast in the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel, hath been repaid to thee a thousand fold, and thou shalt be like unto him;

7 But the flock shall find rest with thee, and God shall reveal to thee his will concerning them.

8 I have long felt that my present work was almost done and that I should soon be called to rule a mighty host,

9 But something whispers me it will be in the land of spirits where the wicked cease from troubling and the bands of the prisoner fall off.

10 My heart yearns for my little ones, but I know God will be a father to them, and I can claim face to face the fulfillment of promises from Him who is a covenant keeping God and who sweareth and performeth and faileth not to the uttermost.

11 The wolves are upon the scent, and I am waiting to be offered up, if such be the will of God,

12 Knowing that though my visage be more marred than that of any, it will be unscarred and fair when archangels shall place on my brow the double crown of martyr and king in a heavenly world.
13 In the midst of darkness and boding danger the spirit of Elijah came upon me, and I went away to inquire of God how the Church should be saved.

14 I was upon the hill of the temple.

15 The calm father of waters rolled below changeless and eternal.

16 I beheld a light in the heavens above, and streams of bright light illuminated the firmament, varied and beautiful as the rainbow, gentle yet rapid as the fierce lightning.

17 The Almighty came from his throne of rest; He clothed himself with light as with a garment.

18 He appeared, and moon and stars went out; the earth dissolved in space.

19 I trod on air and was borne on wings of Cherubims.

20 The sweetest strains of heavenly music thrilled in my ear, but the notes were low and sad as though they sounded the requiem of martyred prophets.

21 I bowed my head to the earth and asked only wisdom and strength for the church.

22 The voice of God answered: “My servant Joseph, thou hast been faithful over many things and thy reward is glorious,

23 “The crown and scepter are thine and they wait thee.”

24 “But thou hast sinned in some things and thy punishment is very bitter.”

25 “The whirlwind goeth before and its clouds are dark, but rest followeth and to its days there shall be no end.”

26 “Study the words of the vision for it tarrieth not.”

27 “And now behold, my servant James J. Strang hath come to thee from far, for truth when he knew it not and hath not rejected it but had faith in thee, the Shepherd and Stone of Israel;

28 “And to him shall the gathering of the people be, for he shall plant a stake of Zion in Wisconsin;

29 “And I will establish it, and there shall my people have peace and rest, and shall not be moved,

30 “For it shall be established on the prairie on White River in the lands of Racine and Walworth;

31 “And behold, my servants James and Aaron shall plant it, for I have given them wisdom;

32 “And Daniel shall stand in his lot on the hill beside the river looking down on the prairie and shall instruct my people and plead with them face to face.”

33 “Behold, my servant James shall lengthen the cords and strengthen the stakes of Zion;

34 “And my servant Aaron shall be his counsellor, for he hath wisdom in the gospel and understandeth the doctrines and erreth not therein.”

35 “And I will have a house built unto me there of stone, and there will I show myself to my people by many mighty works,

36 “And the name of the city shall be called Voree, which is, being interpreted, Garden of Peace,

37 “For there shall my people have peace and rest and wax fat and pleasant in the presence of their enemies.”

38 “But I will again stretch out my arm over the river of waters, and on the banks thereof shall the house of my choice be.”

39 “But now the city of Voree shall be a strong hold of safety to my people,

40 “And they that are faithful and obey me I will there give them great prosperity, and such as they have not had before,

41 “And unto Voree shall be the gathering of my people, and there shall the oppressed flee for safety and none shall hurt or molest them.”

42 “And by this shall they know that I have spoken it: the people there and the owners of the land shall show kindness to them,

43 “For great calamities are coming on the church, and such as have not been;

44 “And if they scatter, the ungodly of the world shall swallow them up;

46 “But if they gather to my city of Voree, there will I keep them under the shadow of my wing,

47 “And the cities from whence my people have been driven shall be purged with a high hand, for I will do it, and my people shall be again restored to their possessions;

48 “But dark clouds are gathering, for the church is not yet wholly purged.”

49 “And now I command my servants, the Apostles and Priests and Elders of the Church of the Saints, that they communicate and proclaim this my word to all the saints of God in all the world,

50 “That they may be gathered unto and round about the city of Voree and be saved from their enemies, for I will have a people to serve me.”

51 And I command my servant Moses Smith, that he go unto the saints with whom he is acquainted and unto many people, and command them in my name to go unto my city of Voree and gain inheritance therein;

52 “And he shall have an inheritance therein, for he hath left all for my sake, and I will add to him many fold if he is faithful; for he knows the land and can testify to them that it is very good.”

53 So spake the Almighty God of heaven.

54 Thy duty is made plain; and if thou lackest wisdom, ask of God in whose hands I trust thee, and he will give thee unsparingly;

55 For if evil befall me, thou shalt lead the flock to pleasant pastures.

56 God sustain thee; Joseph Smith Jr.

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Stewart Mcaulay
Stewart Mcaulay
6 years ago

Loving the information on this internet site, you have done great job on the blog posts.

Christopher Ian Matt
Christopher Ian Matt
5 years ago

As Lucy Mack Smith said of Joseph’s appointment of Strang , “It is verily so!”