Jesus Taught the Kingdom

Note: The following was originally published March 6, 2019

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.” -Acts 2:17-18

I shared in my book, “The Destiny of Ephraim and the Restoration of the House of Israel” that around the year 2000, a message came to rest very powerfully in my conscience. I believed it to be a message from the Holy Spirit. “It is the end of the Church Age and the beginning of the Kingdom Age.” After this, I wrote an entire book on the subject, as the the Lord confirmed this word, again and again, through many witnesses and in many dreams, visions, and testimonies.

A Book to Write

I knew God wanted me to write a book, but I did not know what it was about. I had 3 people, independently, and without knowledge of each other, tell me that God wanted me to write another book. I would tell them, “I wish He would tell me about it!” The third person to bear witness went further and gave me a message from the Lord, telling me that I was to not fear man.

One morning the Spirit of the Lord stirred in me. I opened a new Word document and stared at the blank page. Then I typed the title: “From the Church to the Kingdom.” It was around 7 am, it was still dark out.

Suddenly my phone rang. It was a woman from the state of Washington. I had never met or talked to her before. She had just finished reading the “Destiny of Ephraim” book and managed to get my phone number. She explained that the reason she was calling was because there was a line in that book which she strongly felt was the most important message that the church needed to hear right now. That line was, “It is the end of the Church Age, and the beginning of the Kingdom Age.”

This would be the first of many confirmations, and it literally came only moments after I typed the title of the Book.

Church Age, Kingdom Age

A question many ask is: “What is the Church Age? What is the Kingdom Age? What is the difference?”

What is the Church Age?

The Church Age represents an era when the church, or denominationalism, has taken precedence over Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. It is when God’s people are bound by tradition and miss out on the “fullness” of what Jesus has given us through the gift of the Holy Ghost. It is an era where religion is King and endless contention over doctrine is commonplace. It is an era marked by pride, arrogance, and presumption. It is a condition whereby those who are blind say they see and think they know and understand.

What is the Kingdom Age?

The Kingdom Age represents an era where the Kingdom of Jesus Christ takes precedence over denominationalism. It is when God’s people begin to get free of the traditions of men and not only inherit but walk in the fullness that can only come by faith through the promise of the Holy Ghost – including the workings of the gifts of the Spirit. It is when the living Christ truly reigns in our hearts as King.

It is an era marked by humility, patience, and power! It is a condition whereby those who once thought they understood properly, recognize their own blindness and confess that they see only in part—that what God is doing is far bigger than any one denomination or group of people.

It is when people begin to leave dead religion for relationship with God—being delivered from a host of evil spirits and influences that have kept them in bondage to sin. The blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them in power!

Despite the emphasis many place on the church, it may be interesting to note that Jesus mentioned the church only twice in all four Gospels. By way of contrast, He spoke about the Kingdom a total of 106 times! Jesus taught the Kingdom.

“For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” -Acts 2:39

image: Christ Preaching (The Hundred Guilder Print), Lessing Julius Rosenwald circa 1646-1650

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William Stover
William Stover
5 years ago

Well, David, then there you have it! So it is.

4 years ago

All knowledge is good knowledge