Parables of Matthew Thirteen Part 5: The Leavened Bread (verse 33)

The influence of the reformation is over. Spiritual decline has essentially run its course. The power and pull of traditional denominational sectarianism is declining, if not dead. The woman (sectarianism) has leavened the entire meal (Church). And the Church has transitioned into a post-reformation period. I’m referring to our present situation.

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Parables of Matthew Thirteen Part 2: The Church and the Kingdom

Matthew thirteen is divided by two simple but very meaningful phrases: “Jesus [went] out of the house” (vs.1) and “Then Jesus went into the house” (vs.36). Our Lord leaves the House of Israel, then returns to her later. The first four parables deal with the Spirit’s chronology of the Church age. The last four have to do with the Church’s transition into the kingdom age.

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